Monday, September 29, 2014

Draft 72

I recently completed a 30 page graphic novel for the Life Coaching program at Cappy's Boxing Gym so I thought I'd post some sample pages. This was an interesting and challenging project for two reasons. The first was trying to distill what were often complex concepts and action sequences into a cohesive design that would fit onto one page. And the second was doing all of that in what I would consider an extremely short time scale. In order to keep costs low, the client wanted to spend no more than three or four hours per page, so all of the page layout, text and illustration had to be done in that amount of time. I feel that it forced me out of my comfort zone, so I learned a lot and now we're continuing on to the next project. Stay tuned for future updates!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Draft 71

Another piece from the new game. This establishing shot will open the game, slowly zooming in on the temple where the heroine prepares to enter the darkness below. Ominous...

Friday, April 25, 2014

Draft 70

I've been working with a local boxing gym owner on a life coaching project he's trying to put together, starting with a comic book that outlines the program. Because he is funding it personally he only gives me 1-2 hours at a time on it which has posed an interesting challenge, but also forces you to focus. It reminds me that I haven't colored anything in a long time.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Draft 69

*Record Scratch*

Rumble Steelskin has been put on hold in lieu of a game with a smaller scope. The team believes this will give our kickstarter a much better chance of success. So without further ado, here is some concept art from our NEW upcoming game (title not yet decided). Cheers!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Draft 68

Been working on a logo for an upcoming game I'm trying to kickstart with some friends that will hopefully be the beginning to our new studio.
Rumble Steelskin is a wrestling RPG adventure where you uncover clues to find the names of long-hidden fighters to build your skill and take on a corrupt ruler while also trying to clear your dead father's name. You know. That old story. Stay tuned for more pics and Lets get ready to Rumble!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Draft 67

Bonus two for one post!
Who say's there aren't enough Flappy Bird clones? A buddy of mine wanted to get an app on the iTunes store so he asked for some art for a flappy bird type game. Keep your face away from the spikes...if you can!

Draft 66

A new post?!! Its hard to believe its been two years since the last post, but I've been toiling away at a little game called Bomb Buds and it's just about ready to ship.

In the coming months I'll be posting some art from that game, but in the mean time here is a sneak peak at some concept art from the next game (code named Rumble Steel Skin oooooohhhh) !!