Friday, September 3, 2010

Draft 45


Morgan Dudra said...

This is another one that works really well compositionally. This time, it's the directional flow of the highlights that grab me (purely platonic, I swear!).

My eye starts at the shoulder highlight and then either goes to the earring or the hand/necklace. Either choice then leads to the other and back to the shoulder. Continuous flow. Nice choices, sir. I'm not sure if I'm helping you in any way, but it helps me me to break down your work. Thanks for that! ;D

Joel said...

I liked how the earing turned out but I wish I knew how to draw hands better. That one turned out all doughy :S

Tim Thoreen said...

My request, nay my demand....I wanna see something drawn from memory or free drawing. You know how to light, you know composition and your skills with graphite are unparalleled. Show me something outside of life drawing

Joel said...

Everytime I decide to try and work on something "on my own" I get distracted and end up doing something else. Chalk it up to laziness, but you're right. Point well taken ;)